Oak Ridge Sportsman Association

The Ed Johnson Indoor range will be closed from March 17 to March 23, 2025 for maintenance.

Welcome to ORSA

The Oak Ridge Sportsmen's Association (ORSA) is an organization of shooters, hunters, archers, fishermen and others dedicated to outdoor sports and conservation. Membership is open to all citizens of the United States, ages 19 or older, who have never been convicted of a felony, and whose activities and behavior do not conflict with the best interests of the majority of the membership.

PFOV Flag Ceremony
Skeet Shooting
Cowboy Action


ORSA memberships is open to anyone that is a citizen of the United States and has not been convicted of a felony charge. You must be sponsored to join ORSA. This can be done two ways. One is to have a current member in good standing sponsor your application. The second is to belong to a nationally recognized shooting organization such as NRA, NSSA, NSCA, IDPA, USPSA, SASS, ICORE or one of the other numerous groups available. You would need to show proof of membership on your application if you use this method.

For organizational and security reasons, It is ORSA's Policy to not allow admittance to the facilities and ranges until a New Member Application Form has been filed and the Board has reviewed and approved that application. If an ORSA member in Good Standing wants to give you a tour that is fine, but they take on the personal responsibility for your safety, as well as setting the time and date. ORSA, the organization, is not responsible for the appointment nor any injuries nor loss while visiting the facility. There is extensive information on this web site regarding the activities, facilities, and sub clubs which should be consulted before visiting ORSA, including New Member Orientation.

Range Information

As an ORSA member, you may enter the ORSA grounds at any time and use the facilities, subject to ordinary good sense and the particular rules for that facility. There are specific shooting times, however:

  • Mon - Sat: 09:00 - Sunset
  • Sun: Noon - Sunset
  • Evenings during Winter and Summer Leagues

Right to Keep and Bear Arms

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a monthly publication from the Oak Ridge Sportsmen's Association. The author, Richard Stouder, has been writing this monthly column for over five years. Back issues are available in the Rangefinder Library.


We know you will have many questions about ORSA, ORSA memberships, and the ORSA facilities. We have a developed a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page to help address the most common questions.